DRUM Healthy Families Inc. (DRUM) is committed to providing individualized quality support to families with pregnant women and young children from birth to school readiness in order to enhance the lives of the parents and positively impact the safety and development of healthy children.
Our vision is for DRUM Healthy Families Inc. to be Baltimore's premier home visiting agency empowering all parents in the neighborhoods we serve to achieve healthy births, Zero Infant Mortality, school readiness for their children and self-sufficiency launching them toward their greatest potential.
Our History
In 1999, a collaborative partnership of faith based programs, community based organizations, and head start programs developed the concept of the DRUM Mondawmin partnership initiative (Druid Heights, Reservoir Hill, Upton Communities) that was designed to support families with children ages, 0 – 5.
This occurred at a time when it was evident that the children in the community were becoming increasingly vulnerable. Infant mortality and other negative birth outcomes were among some of the significant issues in a community that was challenged by negative health indices, economic disenfranchisement, and significant violence.
Also, researchers and educators were placing more emphasis on the fact that environmental influences have long-lasting effects on a child's brain development. The Family League of Baltimore City and The United Way formed a collaboration which was known as Success by Six that provided support and resources to address the needs of families with pregnant women and young children in Baltimore City.
As a result of the above efforts, DRUM Healthy Families later expanded to become DRUM Healthy Families.